The Charge of the God

Copyright Ambrosia Graphics


The Charge of the God

The Charge of the God is a newer more recent addition to Wiccan ritual. No one charge has risen above the others yet to gain popularity so you will hear many different ones based solely on which God and which attributes of the God the Wiccan wants to invoke at a given ritual.

Below are some of my favorite ones. Since true Wicca is about balance between feminine and masculine energy, I think a Charge of the God is very appropriate when invoking both Deities.


The Horned God copyright Joanna Powell Colbert
Artwork copyright Joanna Powell Colbert

Listen to the words of the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by may other names:

"My Law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the father of all things, and my protection blankets the earth."

Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons:

"I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the earth and all it's beings. Through me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within me, all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings."

So Mote It BE!

Listen to the words of the Horned God, The Guardian of all things wild and free, and Keeper of the Gates of Death, whose Call all must answer:

"I am the fire within your heart... The yearning of your Soul. I am the Hunter of Knowledge and the Seeker of the Holy Quest; I who stand in the darkness of light; I am He whom you have called Death. I am the Consort and Mate of Her we adore, call forth to me.

Heed my call beloved ones, come unto me and learn the secrets of death and peace. I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am He who leads you home. Scourge and Flame, Blade and Blood these are mine and gifts to thee.

Call unto me in the forest wild and on hilltop bare and seek me in the Darkness Bright. I who have been called; Pan, Herne, Osiris , and Hades, speak to thee in thy search. Come dance and sing; come live and smile, for behold: this is my worship.

You are my children and I am thy Father. On swift night wings it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet to be reborn and to return again.

Thou who thinks to seek me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of storm and passion in your Soul. Seek me with pride and humility, but seek me best with love and strength.

For this is my path, and I love not the weak and fearful. Hear my call on long Winter nights and we shall stand together guarding Her Earth as She sleeps."

I am the radiant King of the Heavens,
flooding the Earth with warmth and encouraging the hidden
seed of creation to burst forth into manifestation.

I lift my shining spear to light the lives of all beings
and daily pour forth my golden rays upon the Earth,
putting to flight the powers of darkness.
I am the spirit of all beasts wild and free.
I run with the stag and soar as a sacred falcon against
the shimmering sky.
The ancient woods and wild places emanate my powers,
the birds of the air sing of my sanctity.
I am the harvest, offering up grain and fruits beneath
the sickle of time so that all may be nourished.
For without planting there can be no harvest;
without winter there can be no spring.
I am the thousand named Son of creation.
Know that by all names I am the same.
The spirit of the horned stag in the wild, the endless harvest.
See in the yearly cycle of festivals my birth, death and
rebirth and know that such is the destiny of all creation..
I am the spark of life, the radiant Sun, the giver of peace and rest.
I send my rays of blessings to warm the hearts and strengthen the minds of all

I am the fire within your heart, the yearning hunger within your soul. I am the Horned God, the hunter of beasts and pursuer of the fare of knowledge. I take up the sacred quest and see it to the end. I, who stands within the darkness of light, am He who you call death. But I am also the spark of life, the joy of existence, the mirth in laughter, the shine across thine eyes. I am the consort, mate, and son of She whom we adore. I am the fruit upon the trees, the grain at harvest, He who offers himself up so others may live. I am He who leads you home. Strength and flame, heart and humor, life and death, these are my gifts unto thee. Call upon me in the forest wild and on the hilltop bare and seek me in darkness bright.

I am He who has been called Pan, Herne, Dianus, Osiris, Apollo, Lugh, Dionysus, and by many other names: and I call to thee. Come, dance and sing with the Lord of the Winds; come, laugh and love with the SunKing, for these are my worship. On gliding night wings it is I who lay you at the Mothers feet to be reborn and return again. I too lay within her womb, planted in summer seed to live on after my wintery death. I am the untamed wind, the raging river, the ocean crashing on the rocks, the fury of the storm and the passion in your heart. Seek me with courage or you will be swept away in your seeking.

Seek me with pride and humility, but seek me best of all with love and strength for this is my path. Walk it with purpose and dance boldly. Hear my call on long nights and we shall stand together as one.

Triple Moon Rule Graphic Copyright © Robin Wood 1997, Used with Permission